My goal is to inspire other kids my age to chase their dreams
I first got into cars and started saving up for One at age 11 1/2. I didn't know where this project would take me, I knew that it would be an adventure that hopefully will end up with me having an electric car to drive to the beach and go surfing In.
along the way i would like to inspire as many other kids to chase their dreams as well and show them what's possible when they try
My goal is to inspire other kids my age to chase their dreams
I first got into cars and started saving up for One at age 11 1/2. I didn't know where this project would take me, I knew that it would be an adventure that hopefully will end up with me having an electric car to drive to the beach and go surfing In.
along the way i would like to inspire as many other kids to chase their dreams as well and show them what's possible when they try
Thirteen-year-old Frances Farnam of Tinkergineering in Sierra Madre, California, bought her first car—a ’76 Porsche 914—using the money she made picking grapefruit and vegetables from her garden and selling them at the local farmer’s market.
Recently, she brought the 914 to the SEMA Garage in Diamond Bar, California, where Director of Vehicle Technology Luis Morales demonstrated the Garage’s 3-D scanning capability.
Farnam and her father Daniel plan to restore the car themselves and convert it to electric before showing it off at “SEMA Electrified” during the 2022 SEMA Show in Las Vegas.
Thirteen-year-old Frances Farnam of Tinkergineering in Sierra Madre, California, bought her first car—a ’76 Porsche 914—using the money she made picking grapefruit and vegetables from her garden and selling them at the local farmer’s market.
Recently, she brought the 914 to the SEMA Garage in Diamond Bar, California, where Director of Vehicle Technology Luis Morales demonstrated the Garage’s 3-D scanning capability.
Farnam and her father Daniel plan to restore the car themselves and convert it to electric before showing it off at “SEMA Electrified” during the 2022 SEMA Show in Las Vegas.
Time to put on my favorite part of this car!! I made sure to powder coat the buckets so that they were certain to last. Check out 914 Rubber for those epic relays, bulbs, and the white surrounds. I know the white is typically for the earlier 914s, but they just looked so awesome!! These definitely seemed complicated at first, but it all came together and I didn’t accidentally break anything! - it’s all about the little wins lately. Keep on tinkering!
Another thanks to everyone on 914 World for helping and advising me!
Keep on tinkering!
Thanks for the tour Marty and Matt of the Le Mans winning SONAUTO 914/6 at Luftgegekuhlt 10 - Universal Studios Backlot.
This was fun to see fire up, I think you all will agree!
I can’t believe I thought it was going to be so difficult to wire them up - I just needed to pull the wire through the hole!! Keep on tinkering, and don’t be afraid of making mistakes!
These definitely seemed complicated at first, but it all came together and I didn’t accidentally break anything! - it’s all about the little wins lately.
Keep on tinkering!
Keep on tinkering!
I am Frances and learning to share this joy has become my purpose.
Episode 5 Dash Pad Teardown
Taking the Dash Pad out wasn't so bad! I think my secret weapon for this job might not exist as much when its time to reinstall. smile.gif
I found a few things that I am wondering about. Maybe you know what it is.
Lots of wiring labeling too. I hope you enjoy this. I am getting better at working on this car too.
Thanks for all the advice from the amazing 914World community! So much more learning to do. I don't know much about this car- only what I learn from taking it apart.
Also, I need to figure out how to get my logo under my name on the Post/thread left side. It loaded 128x128 and I can see it on the right side of my profile page, its there, but doesn't appear on the left under my name. Admin I know is my next step.
Tell me what you are inspired by.